Why does house dust cause allergic reactions?
House dust is a mixture of many substances. Its content may vary from home to home, but the most common allergy triggers are:
Dust mites
Any of these allergens can cause a response in the immune system which results in the production of a special antibody (Immunoglobulin E or IgE). IgE produces an allergic inflammatory response. Exposure to only small amounts of the offending allergen can cause allergy symptoms.
Although it is extremely difficult to completely remove dust particles completely , here are some of the best actions you can take towards living in a House-free zone and reduce exposure significantly.
1. Measure the indoor humidity and keep it below 55 percent. Do not use vaporizers or humidifiers. What you need is a de-humidifier. Use vent fans in bathrooms and when cooking to remove moisture. Repair all water leaks. (Dust mite, cockroach, and mold allergy.) Excellent references regarding mold prevention and remediation can be found at http://www.epa.gov/mold and http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/epi/moldrpt1.shtml
2. Remove wall-to-wall carpets from the bedroom if possible. Use a central vacuum or a vacuum with a HEPA filter regularly. If you are allergic, wear a N95 filter mask while dusting, sweeping or vacuuming. Remember, it takes over two hours for the dust to settle back down, so if possible clean when the allergic patient is away and don't clean the bedroom at night. (Mold, animal and house dust mite allergies)
3. Keep pets out of the bedroom at ALL times. Consider using a HEPA Air Cleaner in the bedroom. It is best to remove the animal from the home. (Animal allergy)
4. Encase mattresses and pillows with "mite-proof" covers. Wash all bed linens regularly using hot water. (Dust mites allergy)
5. Do not leave out uncovered food at night. Dispose of food wastes (including fast food wraps) in a tightly sealed garbage can. Use roach traps. Schedule regular professional pest control utilizing integrated pest management (IPM) methods. (Cockroach, mouse and mold allergy.)
6. Install a high efficiency media filter with a MERV rating of 11 or 12 in the furnace and air-conditioning unit. Leave the fan on to create a "whole house" air filter that removes particulates. Change the filter at least every three months (with the change of the seasons) to keep the air cleaner year round. Have your heating and air-conditioning units inspected and serviced every six months. (Animal, mold and house dust mites allergies.)
7. Your board-certified allergist is the best resource for effective help with these issues. Many expensive, unproven products are of no benefit.
Is Dust Allergy a sign of a dirty house?
No. A dirty house can aggravate house dust allergy worse, however, normal housekeeping may not be enough to get rid of house dust allergies. This is because many of the substances in dust cannot be removed by normal cleaning procedures. Vigorous cleaning methods can actually put more dust into the air making symptoms worse. Even if the house is very clean, some people are so allergic to dust that even minimal exposures may trigger their symptoms.
Dr Paul Smith & Team